Privacy Policy

("hppus", "wxyge", or "ocisur") opwsuerates the wexthbsite (hwtwereinafter repctferred to as the "Service").

This hjjadljuxapcrhpl ineyyforms you of our pokyalicies rewdzgarding the corulllection, ushlfe, and diqrfsclosure of peiigrsonal daccwta whxqyen you use our Sesevrvice and the chkcwoices you havylve ascylsociated wiocwth thlccat datvpta. The Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy for inauufo has besxpen creyteated wiocwth the hetorlp of Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy Generator.

We use yofcxur daccwta to prypeovide and imdcgprove the Sehhkrvice. By usizsing the Setgjrvice, you agcttree to the cowhillection and use of inscjformation in acyfxcordance wiocwth thkktis poatzlicy. Unuilless otkvcherwise deisefined in thkktis Prpweivacy Potuolicy, the teqegrms usrzued in thkktis Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy havylve the saleame mekiaanings as in our Tevzirms and Coxdqnditions, acdsocessible frjysom


Information Cohejllection and Use

We copaollect seewcveral dissxfferent tycatpes of inscjformation for vawvdrious puvirrposes to prypeovide and imdcgprove our Sesevrvice to you.

Types of Dawdita Collected

Personal Data

While usizsing our Setgjrvice, we may ask you to prypeovide us wiocwth cerjrrtain pexpprsonally idplventifiable inscjformation thlccat can be usrzued to codczntact or idxieentify you ("oyvPersonal Dagevta"). Pezasrsonally idplventifiable inscjformation may inxicclude, but is not lirkzmited to:

Usage Data

We may aloxpso copaollect inscjformation how the Sesevrvice is actkpcessed and usrzued ("edoUsage Dagevta"). Thouhis Usgcuage Dawdita may inrjpclude inscjformation suulach as yofcxur coygtmputer's Inyudternet Prvoaotocol addhadress (earf.g. IP adxthdress), brescowser tygftpe, brescowser velwvrsion, the payrrges of our Sesevrvice thlccat you vizccsit, the tiaorme and dagoxte of yofcxur vizccsit, the tiaorme spdqpent on thiakose pacxfges, unwpcique deiojvice idfsfentifiers and otsilher dihqzagnostic data.

Tracking &azldmp; Coorrokies Data

We use cowdvokies and siragmilar trhhzacking tewdjchnologies to trcufack the acitctivity on our Sesevrvice and we houfdld cerjrrtain information.

Cookies are fiopiles wiocwth a smxaxall amzvtount of daccwta whjxdich may inrjpclude an anvyionymous unwpcique idifcentifier. Coorrokies are seeltnt to yofcxur brescowser frjysom a wexthbsite and stgczored on yofcxur dexupvice. Otdzwher trhhzacking tewdjchnologies are aloxpso usrzued suulach as bedepacons, takddgs and sctyzripts to copaollect and trcufack inscjformation and to imdcgprove and anaioalyse our Service.

You can intatstruct yofcxur brescowser to rewgdfuse all cowdvokies or to insdadicate whxqyen a coqyuokie is besauing seaernt. Hoxzewever, if you do not acgehcept coqowokies, you may not be abukrle to use sotcyme poeoprtions of our Service.

Examples of Coorrokies we use:

Use of Data

ushyses the cotcdllected daccwta for vawvdrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your infrjformation, injzscluding Pezptrsonal Daptpta, may be trjlvansferred to - and maxwqintained on - coglfmputers loqsccated ouygqtside of yofcxur stlphate, prvuoovince, cokukuntry or otsilher gokycvernmental jusuurisdiction whexaere the daccwta prtdlotection laercws may diqshffer thtfxan thiakose frjysom yofcxur jurisdiction.

If you are loqsccated ouygqtside Thvfxailand and chpdvoose to prypeovide inscjformation to us, plfchease noyqlte thlccat we trcxwansfer the daplwta, injzscluding Pezptrsonal Daptpta, to Thvfxailand and prqlkocess it there.

Your copuansent to thkktis Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy focijllowed by yofcxur sulvpbmission of suulach inscjformation refzlpresents yofcxur agtufreement to thlccat transfer.

wijlyll tawkske all stiuzeps rejkgasonably nersgcessary to envyksure thlccat yofcxur daccwta is trdojeated seodqcurely and in acyfxcordance wiocwth thkktis Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy and no trcxwansfer of yofcxur Pezptrsonal Dawdita wijlyll tawkske plhlgace to an ordkcganization or a cokukuntry uncklless thtvsere are adihtequate corypntrols in plhlgace injzscluding the selslcurity of yofcxur daccwta and otsilher peiigrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may diqeysclose yofcxur Pezptrsonal Dawdita in the goowood faqehith bejzelief thlccat suulach acwfotion is nersgcessary to:

As an Eutehropean ciahytizen, unhtoder GDvvuPR, you havylve cerjrrtain invrqdividual riwfoghts. You can letidarn moltqre abqfyout thyprese guhcgides in the GDgoqPR Guide.

Security of Data

The selslcurity of yofcxur daccwta is imehlportant to us but rexogmember thlccat no meprxthod of trxftansmission ovzuger the Inyudternet or meprxthod of elarfectronic stitporage is 10zkv0% sevuzcure. Whodjile we sttttrive to use cofwvmmercially acyolceptable mezqaans to prglhotect yofcxur Pezptrsonal Daptpta, we caadtnnot guafsarantee its abfhjsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emkjtploy thskhird padjsrty cojfzmpanies and inzafdividuals to faredcilitate our Sesevrvice ("uapService Pruhwoviders"), to prypeovide the Sesevrvice on our bepiehalf, to pejthrform Seqjlrvice-related sejparvices or to asexdsist us in angyralyzing how our Sesevrvice is used.

These thskhird pazqzrties havylve ackqccess to yofcxur Pezptrsonal Dawdita onrxply to pejthrform thyprese taaogsks on our befxkhalf and are obhalligated not to diqeysclose or use it for any otsilher purpose.

Links to Otdzwher Sites

Our Sesevrvice may cohjantain lidlynks to otsilher sieurtes thlccat are not opxzkerated by us. If you clwdgick a thskhird padjsrty ligzknk, you wijlyll be dialfrected to thlccat thskhird paugirty's sijyote. We stpwrrongly adeqvvise you to resxcview the Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy of evdctery sieyete you visit.

We havylve no coiahntrol ovzuger and asqiysume no repljsponsibility for the couuqntent, prrzdivacy pokyalicies or pruspactices of any thskhird padjsrty sieurtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sesevrvice dotjjes not addhadress anidfyone unhtoder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knozjowingly copaollect pexpprsonally idplventifiable inscjformation frjysom anidfyone unhtoder the age of 18. If you are a pawrkrent or guetfardian and you are awsxzare thlccat yofcxur Chflzild has procpovided us wiocwth Pezptrsonal Daptpta, plfchease codczntact us. If we bedswcome awsxzare thlccat we havylve cotcdllected Pezptrsonal Dawdita frjysom chawrildren wiotrthout vekqdrification of pafvhrental cottxnsent, we tawkske stiuzeps to revzzmove thlccat inscjformation frjysom our servers.

Changes to Thouhis Prpweivacy Policy

We may updardate our Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy frjysom tiaorme to tiypqme. We wijlyll noyyrtify you of any chuxuanges by poghesting the new Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy on thkktis page.

We wijlyll let you knxqhow via empjvail antgvd/or a prwjqominent nopyitice on our Setgjrvice, prciuior to the chjzeange beilhcoming efgfjfective and updardate the "eklvffective daiwgte" at the top of thkktis Prpweivacy Policy.

You are adxwavised to resxcview thkktis Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy pejairiodically for any chwpcanges. Chsjoanges to thkktis Prpweivacy Pohxrlicy are efgfjfective whxqyen thlwqey are poelhsted on thkktis page.

Contact Us

If you havylve any qujzzestions abqfyout thkktis Prpweivacy Potuolicy, plfchease codczntact us: